Friday, April 8, 2011

More information

Just received some new info on the XPC Models and Drake Models that are incoming.  Both are in the same container and should be delivered into the USA on 5/1/11.  That means we should have them, barring any customs delays, the first or second week of May.  Will keep you informed via this blog and our facebook page. 

By the way - did you know that DHS has a facebook page?  Don't ask me where it is - as I don't have one personally (yet), but we do.  Check out that page for new product announcements and the like.

Plans are to leave for York Pennsylvania and the TCA (Train Collectors of America) show on Tuesday of next week.  We will be in the main GOLD hall as we have been for the last 2 years displaying the Mammoet Coke Drum model as well as some parts of the massive refinery model we had out at our Open House last year.  I will try to dig up some pics of that for you later.

Speaking of Open House - remember to mark your calendars for July 30-31 this year for the BIG EVENT.  We anticipate this being bigger and better than ever!  Looking forward to seeing many old friends at this event.  Make sure to get your hotel reservations in early as they book up quickly during that weekend - as there always seems to be another event that same weekend.  It is nice to be a leader - everyone always follows us here at DHS!

That's all for now - I will get some pics of the Open House from last year posted up here soon.  I think you will enjoy them.

Have a great weekend!
